Welcome to I Smile at the Sun!
If you grew up reading Dr. Seuss and love fun tongue-twisting rhymes, then you've come to the right place. Judith Barrett Lawson has written an amazing poem book that is not only just for kids but also "Misidentified Grown-ups."  

Renowned Novelist Kaye Gibbons said, "This book is lovely, genuine, and true. It's is about grace, kindness, good humor, and goodwill, things we all need and deserve a few doses of these days."





"You don't have to be a preschooler to smile at "I Smile at the Sun," a perky and at times poignant (Collection) of rhymes, tongue-twisters and 

Dr. Seuss-like poems for children and "Misidentified grown-ups." Between comic takes on childhood--trading ice cream, bathtub fears, bugs and Simon Says-- the poems by Judith Barrett Lawson offer wisdom on loss, old age and the importance of dreams."

- Lynne Heffley, LA Times.

"This Book is lovely, genuine, and true. 

It is about grace, kindness, good humor 

and goodwill, things we all need and 

deserve a few doses of these days."

-Kaye Gibbons, author of “Ellen Foster" and “Sights Unseen” etc.; Member of the Southern Literature Hall of Fame

"These poems stand out on their 

own merit and they work in many different levels. I wanted to bring something to life that would touch children as well as adults. 

This definitely does. 

Judie has a sense of rhythm and joy."


- Mark York, Founding Artistic Director, 

Two Roads Theater, Los Angeles


"This Book is full of poems I like. Some are silly and make me laugh."


- Jackson Clare, age 11


"My Auntie's book is better than 100 ice-cream scoops on a cone! But not 101 ice-cream scoops. Just 100."


- Elsie Stoddard, age 4


"(I Smile at the Sun) Is) one of the best books I've ever read."

- Ryder James, age 10

"I like (I Smile at the Sun.) 

It makes me feel good."

- River James, age 4